Category Archives: Technical Difficulties

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IPv6 Prefix Delegation using NetworkManager

If your ISP supports IPv6 and assigns the IP address of your eth0 interface via DHCPv6 you may also be able to obtain one or more additional IPv6 prefixes. These prefixes can be used for other interfaces eth1 or eth2 … Continue reading

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Exploiting IPv6 using podman

In this post I’ll show how you can use podman to provide native IPv6 connectivity to containers. This allows direct access to and from the Internet without the need for such gimmicks as NAT and port forwarding. Install podman By … Continue reading

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IP Addresses: How They Relate to Interfaces

As the line blurs between nodes that used to just do things such as client and server applications and nodes that would just do networking functions such as Layer 3 routers and Layer 2 switches I find that I have … Continue reading

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6LoWPAN on Raspberry Pi using Openlabs 802.15.4 Radio

Here are the steps I used to get the latest version of Linux 6LoWPAN stack running on Raspberry Pi B and Raspberry Pi B+.  These are my notes from what I learned from the Openlabs blog post on this very … Continue reading

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Using wpan-tools with 802.14.5 radio on BeagleBone Black

First, the main site for using wpan-tools is here. These are the steps I performed based on that post to get 6LoWPAN & 802.15.5 working on the BeagleBone Black I built earlier.  I executed these directly on the Beaglebone. First, … Continue reading

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Openlabs 802.15.4 radio pin map for BeagleBone Black

Here is the wiring for the Openlabs 802.15.4 radio to connect to the BeagleBone Black P9 header:


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